Dan and Lori Johnson
Senior Pastor
Dan has been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years and has a teaching style that speaks to today’s challenges with practical wisdom and humor. Dan and his wife, Lori, have three children and three wonderful grandchildren.
To learn a little more about Dan and Lori, check out About Our Pastor.
To learn a little more about Dan and Lori, check out About Our Pastor.

Mary Williamson
Mary has served at the church as secretary/administrator for over 15 years and helps in children’s ministries. Mary and her husband, George, have two grown sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law, two granddaughters and one grandson.

Angie Skoog
Children's Ministry Director | Community Outreach
Angie and her husband, Tom, have been with Westside since 1992. She worked for Boeing for 27 years and has served on the Church Council, Women’s Ministries, director of Children’s Ministries for over ten years. She serves on the Prayer Team and outreach activities, including directing our community collaborated free VBS day camp in the park since 2011.

Toni Del Bianco
Pastoral Care | Children's Ministry
Toni has attended Westside since 1978 and has served as Children’s Pastor, Counselor, and has served on the church council. She is a licensed Foursquare minister and works in our children’s ministry and pastoral care and counseling. She is married to Bob who has a real estate business in Burien.

Maureen Del Bianco
Women's Ministry
Maureen has attended Westside since 1977 and has served as Women’s Ministry Pastor since 1998. She also serves in the Prayer ministry, Worship Team, and leads Bible Studies. Maureen is married, mother of four, Grandmother of nine and Great-Grandmother of three.